Signals & Pixels

TIL: Handling Rule Lists in Lark

I encountered an interesting challenge while building a Lark parser for my domain-specific language, which I thought was worth a quick write-up. Details are below, but the TLDR is that making your grammar a little more complex by wrapping lists of rules into a new rule can simplify parsing.

The Issue

My language supports variable-length lists of notes that are optionally followed by a repeat symbol. In code, that looks like:

1 2 3 4 [x2]

The original (simplified) grammar I wrote looked like this:

line: note* repeat?
note: NUMBER
repeat: "[x" NUMBER "]"

%import common.NUMBER
%import common.WS
%ignore WS

And the AST parser, created following the Lark example:

class Note(ast_utils.Ast):
    value: int

class Repeat(ast_utils.Ast):
    times: int

class Line(ast_utils.Ast):
    notes: list[Note]
    repeat: Repeat = Repeat(0)

class ToAst(Transformer):
    NUMBER = int

transformer = ast_utils.create_transformer(sys.modules[__name__], ToAst())
parser = Lark(grammar, start="line", transformer=transformer, parser="lalr")

This immediately throws a TypeError because Lark tries to instantiate Line with each note as a separate argument, while Line expects a list of notes. As pointed out in the example parser, this is easily fixed by subclassing ast_utils.AsList, which tells Line to pack its arguments into a list:

class Line(ast_utils.Ast, ast_utils.AsList):
    notes: list[Note]
    repeat: Repeat = Repeat(0)

This solves the error, but introduces a subtle bug that’s revealed when we look at the parsed output.

Line(notes=[Note(value=1), Note(value=2), Note(value=3), Note(value=4), Repeat(times=3)], repeat=Repeat(times=0))

Inheriting from AsList caused Line to interpret all of it’s arguments as a single list, so our Repeat got thrown in as another note while the attribute defaulted to zero.

After considering a few options1, I settled on a small modification to the grammar.

The Solution

The underlying problem is that the output of our grammar is ambiguous - the line rule gets passed an unknown number of notes and an optional repeat, and doesn’t know when the notes stop and the repeat begins without some manual type checking. To simplify the parser’s job, we can make the grammar slightly more complex by adding a new rule called note_list:

- line: note* repeat?
+ line: note_list repeat?
+ note_list: note*
note: NUMBER
repeat: "[x" NUMBER "]"

%import common.NUMBER
%import common.WS
%ignore WS

With one small change to the parser2, our program now parses correctly.

class ToAst(Transformer):
    NUMBER = int
    note_list = list

Line(notes=[Note(value=1), Note(value=2), Note(value=3), Note(value=4)], repeat=Repeat(times=3))

Scaling Up

As I continued to write the grammar, I found myself repeating the same pattern: combining line* into line_list, track* into track_list, etc., each of which needed to be parsed as lists:

class ToAst(Transformer):
    NUMBER = int
    note_list = line_list = track_list = list

This was fine, but a little repetitive, and forced me to manually add each new compound rule. While poking through the Preql parser written by the author of Lark, I found an elegant solution. If each of these rules is ultimately just a list, let’s make that clear in the grammar using a rule alias:

note_list: note*    -> as_list
line_list: line*    -> as_list
track_list: track*  -> as_list

Now we can parse any list-like rule under the umbrella as_list rule:

class ToAst(Transformer):
    NUMBER = int
    as_list = list

Lesson learned: a little extra complexity in the grammar can save time and effort in the parser.

  1. You could handle this with a __post_init__ callback in the Line dataclass that checks for a Repeat in the note list and pops it off, but this felt hacky and meant that our type annotations would be inaccurate, at least for a moment. ↩︎

  2. Also, remember to remove the ast_utils.AsList subclass since that’s no longer needed. ↩︎

#Python #Til