Signals & Pixels

Type Safety and Non-Empty Tuples in Python

Say you’re writing a typed Python package with a function head that takes a generic tuple and returns the first element. How do you implement it for type safety? Below, we’ll take inspiration from Alexis King’s Parse, Don’t Validate blog post1 and statically typed languages like Haskell and OCaml to help us avoid potential runtime errors in Python.

The Naive Solution

Let’s just return the first element2:

def head(t: tuple[T, ...]) -> T:
    return t[0]

Of course, the first time we accidentally pass an empty tuple, we get a runtime error.

t = tuple()
h = head(t)

IndexError: tuple index out of range

What about…

Relaxing the Return Type

Not every tuple has a first element, so let’s just return None if they don’t.

def head(t: tuple[T, ...]) -> T | None:
    return t[0] if t else None

That solves our immediate issue, but now we’re forced to check for None everywhere that head is used to avoid runtime errors and satisfy our type checker3.

t = tuple()
h = head(t)

if h is not None:

Definitely not ideal.

The Non-Empty Tuple

Instead of making our return type more ambiguous, let’s make our parameter t more specific. Python doesn’t have any kind of built-in type for non-empty sequences, but we can create our own using typing.Unpack4:

NonEmptyTuple = tuple[T, Unpack[tuple[T, ...]]]

NonEmptyTuple is an alias for a tuple with one element plus zero or more other elements5. Now trying to pass an empty tuple to head will be caught during static analysis:

def head(t: NonEmptyTuple[T]) -> T:
    return t[0]

t = tuple()
h = head(t)

error: Incompatible types in assignment...

We’re also protected against possibly empty tuples created by slicing a non-empty tuple:

t: NonEmptyTuple[int] = (1, 2, 3)
h = head(t[5:])

error: Ambiguous slice of a variadic tuple

Even lying about our type won’t fool the static checks:

t: NonEmptyTuple[int] = tuple()
h = head(t)

error: Incompatible types in assignment...

With that, we’ve created a type system where our static type checker prevents any runtime errors from empty tuples that are known at analysis time, but there’s still one flaw…

Validating the Non-Empty Tuple

We rarely have access at analysis time to all of the data our program will encounter at run time. Whether we’re loading data from disk, accepting user input, or parsing network responses, we need to be prepared for incompatible data at runtime, and fail gracefully.

To demonstrate, let’s say we write a function that globs a directory for Python files and returns a tuple of paths:

def get_python_files(dir: Path) -> NonEmptyTuple[Path]:
    return tuple(dir.glob("*.py"))

t = get_python_files()
h = head(t)

If we were still annotating everything with tuple, this would pass static checking and set us up for an unexpected error when we encounter an empty directory. Now, we can’t continue without validating that we are, in fact, returning a non-empty tuple. Validation can come in the form of a typing.TypeGuard check, which forces us to explicitly handle an empty tuple:

def is_non_empty(t: tuple[T, ...]) -> TypeGuard[NonEmptyTuple[T]]:
    return len(t) != 0

def get_python_files() -> NonEmptyTuple[Path]:
    t = tuple(dir.glob("*.py"))
    if not is_non_empty(t):
        raise ValueError("No scripts found!")
    return t

t = get_python_files()
h = head(t)

With a few lines of extra code, we’ve effectively made it impossible to write an entire class of runtime bug.

Final Thoughts

Type Safety

Building type safety into Python code may take a little more work than in Haskell or OCaml with their built-in type checking and inference, but it is possible to get a lot of the same guarantees by using type checkers and modern typing features.

Non-Empty Lists

Mutable data structures like list throw a wrench into our type safety guarantees. What happens if we validate a non-empty list and then pop the first element off? The mutation happens in-place, so we now have a list that looks non-empty but might not be. Better to convert a list to an immutable tuple if you need to guarantee its size.

Parse, Don’t Validate?

I didn’t want to rehash Alexis King’s blog post1, but if you’ve already read it, you might recognize that get_python_files effectively includes a parser by converting the unknown-length output of glob to a NonEmptyTuple. If we were expanding this, we would probably want to separate out the parsing into a reusable function.

  1. Highly recommended reading if you want to dive deeper into the ideas of type safety! ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. If you’re not familiar with the tuple[T] syntax, T is a typing.TypeVar that represents a generic type that’s shared between the parameter and the return. In other words, head could be called on a tuple of strings to return a string, a tuple of ints to return an int, etc. The annotation tuple[T, ...] indicates a tuple with zero-or-more elements of the same type. ↩︎

  3. I’m using Mypy throughout, but I think Pyright should give similar results. ↩︎

  4. typing.Unpack was introduced in 3.11, but is available retroactively from typing-extensions↩︎

  5. This definition of non-empty is the same as what’s built into Haskell ↩︎

#Python #Typing